Complaints about Indian advertisements surged by 34% between April and September 2023, according to the Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI), which received a total of 4,491 complaints in that six-month period. Additionally, ASCI reviewed 27% more advertisements, identifying 564 potential legal violations, a 22% increase from previous years. The surge in complaints resulted in the proactive withdrawal or modification of 47% of ads that violated the ASCI Code.
Digital media dominated the reported violations, accounting for 79% of the total, with print media and television contributing 17% and 3%, respectively. Consumer complaints made up 21.3% of the total processed complaints, demonstrating active public engagement in maintaining advertising standards.
The healthcare sector made up 21% of non-compliant ads, largely due to drug and medicine advertisements observed predominantly on digital platforms. Furthermore, real money gaming emerged as the most violative sector, surpassing education, healthcare, personal care, and cryptocurrency.
ASCI CEO and Secretary-General Manisha Kapoor emphasized the need for more responsible advertising, and noted a significant rise in compliance with ASCI’s recommendations, reaching an impressive 92%. Nevertheless, the significance of these figures underscores the growing need for stricter adherence to advertising regulations, especially in sensitive sectors like healthcare and products falling under specific legislative acts.
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