Elon Musk, the owner of X, made an announcement on Sunday regarding changes to the platform’s monetization system. In an effort to combat disinformation, X will no longer give revenue share to users who spread lies. This decision comes after months of criticism for allowing misinformation to flourish on the platform.
Musk stated that users on X who post incorrect information that is later corrected by Community Notes will be ineligible to receive money for engagement on those tweets. Community Notes is a program on X that allows fact-checkers and other users to correct information below a post.
The prevalence of misinformation on X has been a major concern, with Musk himself facing criticism for the spread of disinformation on the platform. As a response to this issue, Musk has implemented the new policy to maximize the incentive for accuracy over sensationalism.
However, Musk addressed concerns about users “weaponizing” Community Notes to attack other users and demonetize them. He explained that the code and data of Community Notes are open source, making such actions obvious and easily detectable.
X has faced significant scrutiny for its handling of content online, particularly due to the widespread misinformation on the platform. Independent researchers and fact-checkers have warned of a surge in misinformation, especially during global conflicts such as the Israel-Hamas conflict.
The European Union (EU) has even alerted X to the occurrence of misinformation on the platform. Following this, X has taken action to address the issue and has introduced features like Community Notes to provide users with more accurate information.
While X values free speech and is not strict in taking down fake news, Musk’s decision to demonetize users who share misinformation is a step towards curbing the spread of fake news on the platform. However, it may not completely eliminate the problem.
In conclusion, Elon Musk’s announcement regarding X’s monetization change highlights the platform’s efforts to combat disinformation. By penalizing users who spread lies and promoting accuracy, X aims to create a safer and more reliable environment for its users.
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